

I’m a mormon. I have a firm faith in Jesus Christ. I was able to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I served from 2012-2014 in McAllen Texas. I preached the gospel in Spanish and I absolutely loved every second of my time there. One of my favorite things about my faith is the temple. I love how I feel when I’m at the temple. Let’s be honest they are also gorgeous inside and out! If you haven’t had a chance, go visit one! If you want to learn more ask me, or go check out mormon.org. The church is centered around families and there is nothing more important to me than my family.



I’m the youngest in my family by a long shot. I have two brothers and a sister. I’m eight years younger than my closest sibling. I love my family and I’m extremely blessed to have them in my lives. All of my siblings are married with kids, so I’ve taken on the role of the Favorite Uncle. My father is an almond farmer (pronounced without the L). I was able to help on the ranch occasionally, but seeing my father work so hard has really helped appreciate and learn how to work hard.



Passion for Apple

Apple. They come out with a new product and I just hold up my wallet. Take it, take all of it. They can take all of my money. I remember getting my first iPhone (the 4) when I was a junior in High School. I had always carried my phone in one pocket and my iPod in the other pocket. Phew it was so nice to have it in one pocket. My Senior year I bought an iPad 2. I loved iOS and I loved the products that I had. I went off to college at BYU, and the iPad was my primary device that I took to class. I grew to love the simplicity and mobility that it provided. I’m constantly enjoying what Apple creates from the AirPods to the iPhone X.

iOS Development

Due to my passion for Apple when an opportunity to came up for me to learn iOS development I immediately jumped on it! I took the After Hours course at Devmountain in 2015. I was taking that class while taking BYU classes (full time) and working (part time). My schedule was extremely hectic, but I always found time to work on iOS projects. That really led me to see how much I loved it. I had limited time, yet I spent that time working on those projects. After Devmountain I continued in iOS development by working on my own projects and mentoring at Devmountain. After two years and graduating from BYU, I’ve taken a full time job at MTECH creating a mobile development course for them.




Along with my passion for Apple comes my passion for Sports. Really just Sports in general. To be more specific I’m a huge BYU sports fan, mostly Football but a big fan of all their sports. College football of course I like BYU, but also USC and Stanford (partial to all California teams). In the NFL I’m a colts fan, but love the 49ers and learning to love the Broncos. The NBA I’m full on a Lakers fan, but when they are terrible I like to bandwagon onto the Warriors. Trying to love the Jazz, but just can’t bring myself to do it. I'll play any kind of sport there is. As long as there is some sort of competition then I'm game. Tennis is my forte, but happy to play anything!


I graduated from BYU in April of 2017 in Geography with an emphasis in Urban and Regional Planning. The time I spent at BYU was amazing for me. I made life long friends and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’d highly suggest Geography to all of my friends. The professors are amazing and it’s fun! I was coloring maps while my roommates were trying to understand Organic Chemistry. I’ll take maps everyday of the week. I love BYU, and I will forever bleed blue.
